Track / CrossCountry Booster Club

This season we resolve to have the most positive team experience ever. Coaches and athletes will BRING IT! We will bring a great, positive & competitive attitude to every practice and race.
We bring back more talent for the 2018 season than we've ever had. If we focus on working hard, making good choices, supporting each other and having fun, nothing can stop us.
Varsity, JV, Open. Guys and girls. We are going to be tough to beat! Our best year ever? YOU BET!

GIRLS 5th - fast enough to podium any other year.
GUYS 4th - 1st podium in school history on a 6th man tie breaker!

So much goodness all in one place! 54 PBs!
16 guys 5:00 or fast, 13 girls 6:00 or faster.
JV GIRLS 10 - 1st place
JV BOYS 10 - 1st place
JV GIRL OPEN - 1st place
JV BOYS OPEN - 1st place
VARSITY GIRL - 4th place
Our best area race ever. 3 individual wins. Lots of PRs and letters.
With a change in the weather for the better, coupled with a fast course, fast times and good team racing resulted. JV squads dominates as girls scored a perfect 15 points and guys totalled a very low 22 points. Varsity girls for the win with a crazy low 1-5 split of 16 seconds! Guys varsity lost a close battle with Pope, who has been ranked all season in the top all class squads and has been #1 for several weeks. 36 lifetime 5K XC prs on the guys side and 12 for the girls.

Solid team finishes in both races as we begin to round in to championship season form. Weather did not cooperate as temperatures were high and so was humidity. We like to focus on place and not time, but assume most athletes would have races at least 30 seconds faster on a nice cool day.
Shout out 6 guys and 4 girls who managed lifetime best 5K XC time performances in spite of the heat.

While the race organizer didn't hand out team trophies in this race, if he had, West would be walking away with 4 first place tropies.
Our guys and girls beat Brookwood. That has never happened before.
Coaching staff feels like our team earned an A grade for pre race organization, in race effort and overall team support.
Huge thanks to our tent crew and snack volunteers for providing our athletes with what we need to perform at our best.
Our team got experience running in a smaller meet with different terrain and lots of turns. Good team wins on all sides for guys/girls, varsity/JV. Individual race wins for Jeremy, Izzy, Logan C and Caroline. 27 lifetime XC PRs for 5K.

A hot day and a hilly course did not to dampen the enthusiasm of our team.
It is time for this team to recognize that we belong among the ELITE team in the state! Think like a champion. Sleep like a champion. East like a champion. Every athlete, doing his or her best each day at practice MATTERS!

Our average guys and girls finish in the state meet the last 3 years ranks us tied for #5 in 7A. Good & on the cusp of great.

Great job by the captains and team nailing our pre race process and getting a chance to race.
Excellent effort by everyone on a tough, soggy grass course with a legit hill at the mid point.
Guys 1-5 split :33. 1-7 :40. 1-10 :56.
Average guy ran 7% faster than the '17 TT.
Special shout out to Jackson, Paul, Brian, Jared and Jake who had the most improvement.
Girls 1-5 split 1:02. Rachel and Ava improved the most from TT 2017.
Unusually cold temps and a rock hard flat course made for some fast racing.
Guys Varsity run 5th fastest team time in school history to finish behind South and Lambert.
Guys JV 2nd to South. Bryan narrowly missed the individual win.
Cato and Doty move to 10 and 11 on the all time list and run under 17:00 for the 1st time. Trent and Joey move to #1 and #2 on the all time freshman list, replacing Doty, who replaced Whedbee, who replaced Jeremy. 25 lifetime PRs. 17 letter performances.
Girls JV wins in dominant fashion with 7 of the top 9 overall!
Girls Varsity 4th behind South, Creekview and Lambert.
Haley under 20 moves to #10 all time. 5 PRs. 18 letter standard times.