Track / CrossCountry Booster Club

28 letters in 2024.
Ryan, Noah, Hanniel, Tess, Savannah, Ryleigh &Sophie earn top 20 all time honors.
Parker with crazy fast new school record!
Girl's top 5 average of 5:25 is fastest in school history. #2 for returners in 7A.
Guy's top 5 average of 4:23 is best in history, ranks #3 all class, 1st time with 5 sub 4:30.
For athletes running cross country with us in the fall, most of you will PR in the 1600M at our pre region mile madness event. Running is a sport that requires long term effort and patience. The more you run, the faster you get. It is just that simple.
2021 & 2022, versus the pre season TT, end of the season PRs are :24 faster (guys) and faster :35 (girls)
This is AVERAGE. New runners tend to have bigger gains. Not everyone will improve :24/:35 seconds.
In 2023, both guys and girls improved :24 for season PR vs pre season TT.