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31 letter standards earned in '23.  Best year ever!

Letter records:  Guys 20 sub 5:00 is the most ever.  Girls 11 sub 6:00 ties record for most ever in a year.


55 athletes ran lifetime PRs.  Running faster than you is the point.  Be the best you possible!

6 athletes posted marks that made the WFHS all time top 20 list.

For athletes running cross country with us in the fall, most of you will PR in the 1600M at our pre region mile madness event.  Running is a sport that requires long term effort and patience.  The more you run, the faster you get.  It is just that simple. 

2021 & 2022, versus the pre season TT, end of the season PRs are :24 faster (guys)  and faster :35 (girls)

This is AVERAGE.  New runners tend to have bigger gains.  Not everyone will improve :24/:35 seconds.  Sorry Parker/Calli!

In 2023, both guys and girls improved :24 for season PR vs pre season TT.

Lots of new race split information included below.......

1600M splits.jpg

1600M -  2023 - 4 LAPS OF GLORY

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