Track / CrossCountry Booster Club

2nd place finish out of 18 teams. Close to a tough Hoover High team.
Liz has been beaten by 5 girls from GA, 1 from FL, 1 from NC & 1 from AL...... all year!
Please welcome Erica Cross to our group of 14 automatic time letter qualifiers! 2nd place overall in the JV race.
Steph Shea has the best race compared to Wendy's time. :54 slower vs team average of +1:52. Charged from 41st to 17th.
Please check out your splits and try to remember how it felt. The key to fast running is even splits, but increasingly difficult effort
Wellness is a primary goal. Do what is necessary to stay healthy for region / state.
Will this group of girls bond together and approach region like a team or like a bunch of individuals? TEAM MATTERS!