Track / CrossCountry Booster Club
> JV and Open teams placed 3rd. In current Milesplit rankings, our JV guys are 10th all class in the state!
> Varsity guys team time was #4 all time. Individual PRs are fun. Team PRs are better!
> Kerrington and Charles = #1 and #3 all time in a JV race. Nick, Nate, Brock, Jeremy and Joseph add new marks to top 20 all time.
> Justin, Reece C. and Grayson place top 20 in the Open race.
> 47 PRs! 8 new lettering times. 18 so far this year is the most in school history. 3 more than 2015 and 1 more than 2014!
> Be body aware at the start. We don't want any athletes on the ground at the start.
> The competition will be fierce this weekend. Best we have faced all year. GOOD! I say bring it on.
> Learn from your mile split. It shouldn't be more than :10 faster than your average for the race. But the learning thing is how you felt!
> You have two more races before championship season to figure out pacing.
> Save enough in the first mile (without getting buried in the first 200M) so you are strong in the last mile.
> Run smart! Running tangents is the fastest path but not if you are jammed in a tight pack. Give yourself space to move 2nd half.